Dull, or what you don’t carry inside

An unexpected – conducted Census

Rejection is a Thing I most certainly do not carry as a own made-up belonging, nor as one of my most valuable Properties – and though? There it was again, that – feel lurking-up at me ! Good, although then – so fare and so well, – good. Would it be once more, that annoying Response of the overwhelming strain of Life, which would be keeping the over-hand?

What a despisable Lie, all together. So what, – I never really liked that dull hooded Dullness. But there, had also never ever anybody ever been there, – to be telling me that I had to like it, nor live a Dull Life.

Why then question the Property, of some – what ever kind of appearing Dull Hood? It could not be mine for sure. I never wanted any.

But some how, I was having some – of my own? Was I all of a sudden obliged towards something, I didn’t even own?

That perpetual turning and rotating around, on that one Social Response – “Do something with yourself. Get coping and transcend your own dull Living.” – Was just more than I could ever take.

So far so well, – as usual then. I do not even like to repeat myself. A Society hooding herself in a Hood of Dullness, would be a poor Presentation of a Social up-valuing Contribute to our most valuable Contemporaneous Time. That said, I was going to get on the bottom of that emerging Dullness, which I do assure you was never ment to be mine. Even tough, I some how got to some free – usufruct of it.

How, – was not really the most important Matter. As, asking for any would be a waste of my Time. – But most certainly, there was much grey and trist drained Ambient turning around at me, from a bit every where.

That was just nothing like me. Regular, ordinary daily Living was to be adored under every kind of Feature it presented itself, – by its Day by day ongoing. As an ex Jurist, I did most certainly cherish that Knowledge. You know – reorientation of one’s own Living and so on, makes you appreciate what you had until now.

Where was it then coming from? I’m not trying to nag!

The Trist dull Maiden of Society, must have been just some kind of rejection Reflection – materialising upon me. That’s actually why I could feel it lurking around my own Living, and even – having me usufruct from it, for free. What a shameless Caracter that Dull hooded Lady “Tristes” from our most contemporary – Society, had taken on.

That’s actually how I got to appreciate Her a little. By worshipping the ongoing Day by day’s a little. Seizing by it, – the Occasion to instaure to her, for Her own sake, an own small and mighty pretty – little Temple.

Now the Lady “Dull and Trist” is free and lives on for Ever, without having ever to endure to be possessed, nor to be owned by anybody. How happy She must be! And how content am I, who doesn’t have to abuse of anybody’s Space and Wholesome Ambient – by messing around with some free usufruct Offers of a census conducting Society, which continues – to tristly drain the Environnement.